Road Runner Region 2023 Gala
NMCA is proud to be a 60+ year on-going Corvette association/club. But in all those years, NMCA has never hosted a Regional Gala, which allows Corvette members from surrounding states to gather. That all changed March 24-26, 2023 as NMCA hosted the Regional Gala with spectacular turnout.
Five individual Corvette clubs from other states were represented, making up 42% of the attendees. NMCA selected the Isleta Casino & Resort as a host site. Discounted room rates, excellent food variety and superior staff service throughout the weekend, plus a special guarded parking area so that all Corvettes would be safe. Gala committee members estimated 60-65 attendees. Well folks, 100+ showed up!

Among the possible coordinated events included a back-roads scenic cruise to Santa Fe with a stop in Madrid, lunch at Tomasita's plus a stroll around Santa Fe Old Town. The Petroglyph National Monument visit concluded with lunch at the Sawmill and a chance to check out Old Town. And our very own National Atomic Museum was a hit which also included a tour of the famous Unser Racing Museum.
The opportunity to meet and associate with other club members was enjoyable, and the feedback suggests that NMCA did an excellent job in hosting this event. Each attendee received a welcome bag. The welcome bag included various items including a commemorative poker chip, and 3D spinner. Each person attending received a name tag that included a raffle ticket in the back that gave the person the option to participate in a raffle, in which NMCA had secured multiple, desirable prizes. The attendees were pleasantly surprised with this raffle addition.
Feedback from NMCA members, Rio Grande Corvette Club members and those from out-of-state suggests that this event was both well-coordinated and a memorable experience.
What attendees were saying:
Being local I've been to the atomic museum a number of times, but getting to socialize with the out of towners was particularly nice and got some great pics outside! I hadn't been to the Unser museum, and that was really fun and informative! Great job with all the events, dinner was fantastic, and who doesn't love cruising with a bunch of Vettes!
The 2023 NMCA Gala was an unexpected educational experience. Those of us who visited
the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History were intrigued to learn the history of the Atomic Age, from early research of nuclear development through today's peaceful uses of nuclear
technology. Corvette owners, some of who were from Albuquerque who had not previously visited the Unser Racing Museum, were surprised to learn not only of the Unser family's place in racing history, but also the early history of racing from Pikes Peak and Indianapolis to the latest racing and automotive technology through the use of a racing simulator and interactive kiosks which we enabled us to learn more about racing in an educational environment.
STRONG TURN OUT! Lots of chatter about the NMCA GALA this past weekend that caught folks
from different states attention and are still talking. Congrats to All!!
The comments I heard from the out of town Corvette owners was that they were very satisfied with the event & had a great time, food was great & the fact everyone received a gift was again very well received.
Having led a group of 20 people representing the Top of the Rockies Corvette Association based in Longmont, Colorado to the March, 2023, Roadrunner Gala, I must say that the high level of
assistance and coordination prior to our group arrival, the nice venue with security parking for our Corvettes, the warm hospitality and involvement of the New Mexico Corvette Association members who guided us on the day trips, and the evening events accompanied by great food, all made for a wonderful, fun time for our TORCA group! Thank you Mary and Rich!
(Brad Hanson - Top Of The Rockies Corvette Club)
When NMCA hosts this Regional Gala event again is uncertain but from the recent results, NMCA will certainly be a host club for a future event. Thank you to all the NMCA and RGCC committee members who assembled such a memorable event. We all know that these events just don't happen - the event(s) represents a lot of time and effort by dedicated individuals, who often times do not receive the accolades deserved. Thank you to all who made this happen and to all those who took time from their busy schedules to visit The Land Of Enchantment and get a taste of the wonderful experiences that NM offers.
A special thank you to Jason Stephens for providing the 3D spinners and video, Phil Ellison for providing poker chips and raffle items, and to all contributors for sharing photos.
Source: NMCA
Posted 3/31/23