Club Information
About NMCA
The New Mexico Corvette Association (NMCA) was formed in 1962 and began its
journey at Ed Blacks' Chevrolet on Lomas NE in Albuquerque, NM. Jack House
was the first President, who was Mr Corvette all the way. Sadly, Jack passed in 2021.
NMCA is dedicated to the enjoyment, knowledge and intrigue which surrounds the
Corvette brand and its loyal owners. NMCA follows suit with the saying
"You join for the car, you stay for the people". Membership figures tend to
be in the 75-100 range. Throughout the years this organization has strived
to afford a wide variety of activity options to the membership. From shows,
caravans and social events, NMCA covers the spectrum of enjoyment to be had involving a Corvette. Members range
from the novice casual Corvette owner to the serious seasoned professional.
NMCA is proud to be recognized as a member of the National Council of Corvette
Clubs (NCCC). By adhering to national guidelines for safety and procedures, NMCA
maximizes the entertainment and "fun factor" to everyone's benefit.
Individuals serious about national competition can rely on NMCA to provide annual
events which receive national recognition and points.

Who & What Is NMCA?

New to the area and/or considering NMCA? Let us introduce ourselves.
NMCA Overview
.MP4 - 5.8 MB - 2 minutes
NMCA Overview YT
Created by Phil Ellison
2025 NMCA Officers
President - Rich Mleczko
Vice-President - Andrew Schwebke
Governor - Ron Scott
Treasurer - Jewel Casablanca
Secretary - Aimee Domines
Activities Director - Glenn Wagner
Membership - Mary Mleczko
Webmaster - Phil Ellison
Instagram - Aimee Domines
Facebook - Phil Ellison
Trivia - Steve Haydu
NMCA Mailing Address
PO Box 91355, Albuquerque, NM 87199
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Membership Application
Meeting Information
General Meetings
NMCA meets the third Friday of each month (except December), at
Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE, Albuquerque.
Meetings typically begin at 6:30 pm.
Guests, visitors and potential members are always welcome to attend.
General meetings tend to last 30-60 minutes, and may be followed by a social
gathering at a different location.
Council Meetings
Council (business) meetings are conducted on the Tuesday 10 days prior to the
general meeting. These meetings are attended by NMCA Officers, plus any
interested NMCA member. Should a situation arise requiring a vote, only NMCA
Officers will be entitled to vote. Council meetings are designed to plan and
finalize event details, examine club expenses and insure positive club direction.
Council meetings start at 6:30 pm and last 30-60 minutes, but can last
longer if the situation dictates. Meeting location is the same as for General meetings.
NMCA By-Laws & Standing Rules
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NMCA By-Laws
NMCA Standing Rules
NMCA Dues Schedule
Membership runs Jan 1st - Dec 31st
Initial Single - $55
Renewing Single - $45
Initial Couple - $75
Renewing Couple - $60
Dual Membership Single - $20
Dual Membership Couple - $25
Dependent - $15
Social Single - $17
Social Couple - $20
Dues renewal is Oct 31st of each year.
Full NMCA membership includes NCCC membership.
Social & dependent members do not have NCCC membership included.
"Renewing" indicates no break in membership.
Members returning after a lapse in membership will pay "initial" dues for first year.
Review NMCA By-Laws and Standing Rules for descriptions of the above categories.
To learn more about NCCC and the benefits of membership,
contact the NMCA Governor or visit the NCCC Web Site
NMCA Jackets & Shirts Information
Styles & options
Order sheet