NMCA Helps Haven House With Toys
Saturday December 3rd NMCA held its' annual holiday banquet at Evolution Of Wheels. Besides good company, great food and a really cool venue, NMCA members also brought gifts/toys for donation, as is done each year. The year the charity selected was Haven House - services and shelter for domestic violence.
A special thank you to Al Nieves, NMCA member and who works for the Sandoval County Sheriffs Office. Al made special arrangements to store all the toys collected at his facility, then arranged for Haven House to pick up the donations on December 7th.

Our toy collections absolutely impact our community in a positive manner. And once again, thank you NMCA for your involvement to bring smiles, joy and peace to those in need.
Learn more about Haven House
Source: Phil Ellison - NMCA
Posted 12/9/22