Fact Finding Poker Run
Sunday September 12th was clear, calm and warm - a perfect setting to gather Corvettes for a challenging event. Organizers Larry English and Phil Ellison spent considerable time and effort to create what turned out to be a big hit event.
The event was a poker run plus a fact-finding mission. Navigators were provided with all the locations they'd need to visit. This took Corvettes from Paseo Del Norte all the way south to Gibson. The mission: answer questions about the piece of art they found at each location. Correct answers would result in that number of poker cards able to be drawn at the finish location. As an added bonus, Corvettes found poker chips along the way, which entitled that team to an additional 5 poker cards!

Both Larry and Phil had driven this course several times during the creation and fine tuning of the event. Neither could hit all stops, get out of the car, search for the answer then on to the next event - in under 2 hours. Yet - one Corvette managed to reach the finish point in 100 minutes. How - we still don't know, but their answer sheet proved they had reached each required stop.
At the end point each team drew their allotted poker cards and created their best, or worst 5 card poker hand. Because multiple decks of cards were used, it was possible for a team to hold 5 of a kind -
which is exactly what the best hand winner had! And the worst hand - well - just 5 mis-matched cards at the bottom of the barrel. Best and worst hand winners received a prize.
Rarely does an event end with 100% of participants asking that this type event be assembled again. Albuquerque is considerably spread out, and City commissioned pieces of art stretch east/west and north/south - with roughly 75+ commissioned art displays.

So, for those members who were unable to attend - don't let the next opportunity(s) slip by. And for the participants - hang tight - another, more intense poker run is already in the planning stages.
Source: Phil Ellison - NMCA
Posted 9/10/21