The Long And Winding Road
On Sunday morning July 11th 13 NMCA Corvettes gathered expecting a scenic caravan north to White Rock, NM via the enjoyable slow route using highway 4 north. And everyone received everything they had expected, and then some.
Anyone who has been on a caravan which needed to pass through populated areas with multiple stop lights knows that the caravan will be interrupted until they reach more open road. But somehow, some way - our entire caravan made it through 7 stoplights without a single break in our line of Corvettes. That in itself was amazing.

The ride along highway 4 was quite pleasant. And even with recent rains, we never encountered muddy, reddish water ponding on the highway shoulder. We made the almost mandatory stop at Valles Caldera National Preserve for a group photo opportunity and to stretch our legs a bit. While the photo indicates cloudy and potentially wet weather, we did not encounter rain, and even though cooler than season norm, the stop was refreshing.
White Rock was just 30 minutes north of our photo stop, and upon arrival we were welcomed by 7 additional Corvettes from the local area. We all motored down the road to get to a facility with restrooms, as we'd been on the road for 3 hours by now. After the necessary business was taken care of and we'd chatted it up with the local Corvette owners, back on the road another 20 minutes to reach our lunch destination - The Sopiapilla Factory in Pojoaque. They had set-up virtually the entire outdoor dining area for NMCA and friends. A big shout-out to Mike Ragsdale, former NMCA member now residing in the White Rock area for the restaurant suggestion, and helping organize this portion of the journey. After lunch we had driver's choice on how to get back home - scenic in reverse, or the ever scenic I-25 route!
You are invited to see many more photos taken this day on our Photos page.
Learn more about Valles Caldera
Source: Phil Ellison - NMCA
Posted 7/16/21