Happy New Year, But . . .
Happy New Year to all . . .
but what does 2021 look like?
Let's start with a reflection. 2020 started off so exciting. Delivery of the first totally new C8 Corvette was imminent. Sold out as production began, we all wanted a glimpse of this new machine. Then production delays pushed the first C8 back about a month. Then, Covid-19 - no reason to say more about how 2020 turned out, both for the C8 debut and the globe itself. So instead of reflecting on all that went wrong in 2020, how about trying to find the bright spots.

For NMCA, as like every other car club in the US (and globally) March 2020 made everyone do an about-face and realize that in order to survive, we'd need to think outside-the-box. Few people relish in the idea of a major change, but when forced to, we adapted. Kudos to the NMCA Officers who pulled together to remap how our club would move forward. NMCA said adios to in-person meetings and virtually all social activities. We employed Zoom to continue a semblance of regular meetings. Unfortunately, this new online format was not well embraced or attended by the members, yet we maintained regularity and focus.
NMCA Officers found a way to adhere to the ever-changing health mandates and were able to conduct caravans, although limited. These limited excursions may have actually been more than showing off our Corvettes. This was the one time we were able to be face-to-face with other members, albeit 6+ feet away and with a mask on. Sometimes, with a ball cap on and a mask, you'd need to do a double take to realize who was who! Caravans were well attended, due mostly to frequent email updates to keep members apprised of the limited activities we could still pull out of the hat.
And in keeping our intermixed club offerings, NMCA managed to assemble a Corvette-Camaro event in October. Despite a major hiccup for team Corvette, we at least had another chance to gather and have friendly competition - all while meeting or exceeding health mandates. Side note: this type event is already in the planning stage for 2021 - this time without human error involved!
NMCA elections were the next annual tradition and requirement, which had to be conducted in a totally new fashion. NMCA Officers pulled their collective thoughts together, and found a less-than-perfect, however viable method to conduct elections.
So even though the negatives of 2020 outweigh the good times, NMCA rose to the occasion and made the most of what little there was to be had.
So, what is in store for 2021? We all see the news, and while the reports about a vaccine and delivery vary depending on your news source, the agreed upon facts seem to indicate no quick solution to this nasty and deadly virus is imminent, yet promising. 2021 may very well be largely a repeat of the past 10 months. But we've ironed out those initial wrinkles and have a working model to draw from. Caravans will continue to be the only likely event where members gather and get their shiny Corvettes out for a drive. Beats the alternative of nothing to do - period. And who knows - this black cloud may actually dissipate faster than anticipated - we can only hope.
So, with that positive attitude, this New Years message will close. MNCA urges everyone to remain vigilant, maintain social distancing, wear a mask (and face shield if you can) - and stay healthy. Without good health, pretty much nothing else matters much. NMCA has much to do once we're allowed to - so we need you to be ready for action when that time arrives.
Source: Phil Ellison - NMCA
Posted 1/1/21