NMCA On Blue Bars Cover
Not on this issue of Blue Bars, but likely on a future cover, with story. Blue Bars is always soliciting stories and a great club photo could seal the deal. Now it's YOUR turn.
We need a photo location. The location should provide a southwestern feel. Needs to be fairly close to town (30-40 minutes?), as we'd want as many Corvettes as possible.
That rules out some very nice locations - as like the red rocks on your way to Jemez. If we could guarantee 20+ Corvettes to make that journey (would be a nice caravan), then maybe we put this area in consideration. Would require a 3-4 pm shot to really capture the red of the rocks. And June is almost always dry and cloud free. Wait until mid-July and thunderstorms become a factor.

For now, we're asking each member to come up with ideas. If you have a place in mind - what time of day would be best? 10 am - 2 pm is the worst time for good lighting. Yes, plenty of sun, but we lose any backdrop enhancement. How many Corvettes could be involved? Is the site paved? Is the site free to access? Do we need to elevate the camera? (probably yes).
I know someone in the club will come up with a great location. Please share - and if at all possible, take a photo where you imagine the Corvettes would stage. Share that photo and location. Others may want to drive by and have a look themselves.
If you are not familiar with the red rocks area on your way to Jemez - below are photos I took a long time ago. Rocks are still there. If memory serves right, this location is about 30 minutes from Bernalillo. Photo site is not paved and you will probably get some red dust on the tires.

The time is now - put on your thinking caps and let's try to put NMCA on the cover of Blue Bars. Once we have an outstanding photo, we'll need to write a 500+ word narrative about the club, the photo location, etc. That will be the easy part. So let's get going - the clock is ticking!
Source: Phil Ellison, NMCA
Posted 5/29/20