Calling On All NMCA Members
Each and every NMCA member has had their "first Corvette" - whether it's the one they own now or not. Your club wants to know about your first Corvette. Everybody's got a story. Nobody just sort of had a Corvette. People sort of have their first Dodge, Ford, convertible, etc. Most of those stories are not overly exciting. But a Corvette - now that's a memory maker.

So, share your story, but it 200 words or 1,000 words. Send your story to the webmaster at along with a photo or two. You've got plenty of time on your hands now - you really have no excuse. You have the time, you have a story, you have a computer to type up your notes or story. Don't be a wimp - just start typing. The rest of the members want to know, plus, we're running out of Corvette news and stories due to the current pandemic.
Make us all proud - send in your story now while you have the time. Otherwise the editor may begin creating stories, and you, the members, will need to vote as if the story is real, or fabricated. And yes - your names will be used at random. Don't delay - the time is right. Shift into first and hit the gas. We're all counting on you. Steve Haydu can be exempt, as he has already shared his first Corvette story, as well as the website editor.
Source: Phil Ellison - NMCA
Posted 4/17/20