Is Corvette The Most Dangerous Car To Own?
Don't kid yourself - cars are inherently dangerous. They're made from materials that shatter and crumple all around you on impact, they allow you to travel at speeds that no human has the reflexes to compensate for and they're powered by ongoing internal explosions.
Yes, you can practice defensive driving and increase your chances for survival, but at the end of the day, every car has its risks. Here are five of the most dangerous car models of all time (Corvette ranks 3rd most dangerous).

Poor Chevrolet gets to be on this list twice. Corvair & Corvette. The Corvette is arguably the most dangerous car in history, having claimed more lives than any other automobile. What fatal flaw is responsible for Corvette's atrocious safety record? The driver. Specifically, the type of driver that would purchase a Corvette. See, these cars weren't made for leisurely trips to the supermarket; they were made for speed. The sheer power of the Corvette when combined with its small frame turned it into a relativity bullet that tended murder its occupants in the event of a collision.
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Posted 8/30/19