Uncle NMCA Needs You!

NMCA members - the time is NOW! You can directly help NMCA by telling us about your first Corvette. This request has been made before, and we had a couple of stories to share. But we need YOUR story. Everyone has a story - everyone. Doesn't matter if you bought your first Corvette last week or in 1953 - you have a story to tell. What made you buy a Corvette? How long were you in that decision mode before buying? What were the obstacles or unknowns involving the purchase? If you've since sold that first Corvette, is there a story to be told there?

The task is easy. You know all the details. You almost certainly have a photo of your first Corvette. Write a short story as if talking to a member. Can be 200 words or 500 words - or more! Just share your story, dates, particulars, price if you want to plus a photo.

Send to info@nmcorvette.org.

We're all anxious to hear your tale and we know you want to tell us. So the ball is in your court. Get writing.

By the way - the photo on the home page for the week of May 17th is my first Corvette - photo taken December 1969 by first owner.

Phil Ellison

Posted 5/18/19