Happy New Year
2018 has been another year filled with NMCA Corvette fun and activities. Car shows, caravans, social activities and more. We enjoy the company of new members who have found NMCA, and we eagerly look forward to expanding our ranks even further in 2019. Pleased remember that the first major Corvette event of 2019 will be in mid-January as NMCA caravans to Tucson, AZ for the NCCC 2019 Kick Off weekend. And closer to home, at the end of January NMCA will once again proudly be displaying at the Super National Auto Show at Expo NM. Please come by and say hello.
NMCA also begins the new year with a new "home". Car Crafters at 702 Carmody Rd in Albuquerque has graciously invited NMCA to hold our Council and General meetings at their spacious location. Remember, Council meetings are welcome to all members, however only elected officers may vote if/when that situation arises. We invite you to come check out the new home on January 8th at 6:30, which will be the first Council meeting of 2019.

2019 holds some new and exciting adventures which the details on will be forth-coming once a few loose ends are secured. And without question we'll enjoy even more caravans, car shows and social events throughout the year. If you are a Corvette owner looking for a way to associate with fellow Corvette owners, then NMCA is your first choice. Visitors and/or prospective members are always welcome to attend a meeting to learn more about what NMCA has to offer.
While NMCA rarely offers competitive events with a Corvette, we do strive for each member to be fully aware of their own Corvette's handling, tricks and tips, and most of all, safety. If you think you know everything about your Corvette, you may be surprised at the wealth of knowledge within the NMCA ranks. You might just learn a thing or two. And did you know that NMCA is the third longest continuously operating Corvette Club in the USA! 2019 marks our 57th anniversary as an established Corvette Club.
From the entire NMCA membership, we wish you a Happy New Year.