One Of 10,494 - The '63 Split Window
If a person works real hard in life they get to buy back all of the prized possessions they let go in their younger years, or at least a reasonable facsimile. Such is the case for Dr. Roland Walters of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the '63 Corvette split-window he owns today. It was late December 1962, when Roland took delivery of his first Corvette, at 19 years of age, from Ayres Chevrolet in Edmond, Oklahoma. Roland was in California attending Stanford while his dad handled ordering the Corvette with him by phone.

Roland recollected back to September 1962, when they ordered the split-window, and they weren't even sure what it was going to look like. They knew a fixed roof coupe was new to the Corvette lineup, and theirs should have a four-speed transmission with a fuel-injected 327 under the hood.
The Walters didn't option N40 power steering for an additional $75.35 like 3,063 other 1963 Corvette buyers did, but they did spring $37.70 for J35 sintered metallic brakes and wisely another $43.05 for J50 power brakes. Wisely because J35 sintered metallic brakes don't work real well cold, and take extra heavy pedal pressure to stop.
Source: John Gilbert - Super Chevy