Corrales Tractor & Auto Show
Cinco de Mayo - Saturday May 5th NMCA made its official first showing at the Corrales tractor & auto Show. This was the 13th annual tractor show, and up until a few years ago this event was limited to tractors - which Corrales has a plethora of.
Ever since they started adding autos to the show, the show has more than quadrupled in physical size, normally showing 15+ tractors and 125-200 cars.

NMCA met at the Lowes on the west side and caravanned to the event shortly after 9AM. As luck would have it, we ended up being placed pretty much in the middle of the show.

This show was unlike most any other show, except perhaps the Museum show (except we had cool grass, they have hot pavement). As you strolled around you could see model T's, Lamborghinis plus an Army tank and half-track. Quite the mix.
When NMCA members weren't exploring all the other beautiful cars, trucks and assorted they hung out in the cool shade. The day was pretty much ideal - 80 degrees, just enough of a breeze to feel good, a cloudless sky - and on grass which helped keep the heat from building.
No trophies, no awards, no prizes - just a lot of fun showing off the cars, trucks and tractors. Some of the 50's & 60's vehicles looked better than they did when they rolled of the assembly line. From the response by attending members - I think you should mark your calendars for next May when the 14th annual show takes place.