User Warning About Michelin Tires On 2014 Corvette
If you would, PLEASE pass this email onto your members with a C7.
I am the owner of a 2014 Corvette Z51. I am about to need new tires on the car
so I ordered new tires from the Tire Rack.

Here is where I'm coming from with these tires. I am a retired baker of 45 years.
Over the years I have learned that what I bought for my business was not what the
package said. The weight was off or the count was off in many cases. I am not the
kind of person to let this go without saying something.
When I got my new tires I used a tread gauge to measured the tread. Michelin says
these tires are 9/32nd on the front and 9.5/32nd on the rear for Z51- 9.5/32nd on
the front and 10/32nd on the rear for non Z51.
The tires I got were 8.5/32nd and 9/32nd, I called Tire Rack they said they
would take them back and send me another 4. "Before you do that, measure the
tires in the warehouse to see if they are 9 and 9.5". They could not find any.
My wife and I went to Bowling Green this past April and I talked to the Michelin
rep (Lee) about my concern. I also measured all the new Corvettes at the museum and
found all the tires at 8.5 and 9. Lee said he would contact me about my issue when
he got back to South Carolina, I had to look him up a month later. Then he tells me
they should be 7mm. 7mm is NOT 9/32nd as their website says.
As a driver, this lack of rubber on these tires represents from 2000 to 5000 miles
before I need new tires. I am still on the original tires for my car with 4/32nd
on the front and 4.5/32nd on the rear at 30100 miles. I am going to run them down to 2/32nd.
Some of you might think that I would bitch if I was hung with a new rope and my
reply is yes I would. Someone has to stand up to these corporations screwing us.
All I ask is to get what I paid for.
Michelin Tire is recalling certain B F Goodrich T/A tires, LETS HOPE OURS AREN'T NEXT.
Editor Note: If you wish to contact Don Puckett for more information, please
send an email to the NMCA info and ask for Don's contact data.
Source: Don Puckett, sent via email to NMCA & multiple other Corvette Clubs.