A Glance Back

In 1968 I purchased a silver '65 Corvette ($2,800) - and still own that beauty today. I was tinkering with the idea of owning a new Shark, with a big block of course. I visited Galles-Groesbeeck Chevrolet (now just Galles) on May 4th, 1968 and sat with the special order representative to get a quote on a new 1968 big block.

Recently I came across that long lost quote (I did not buy the C-3 by the way). Looking at this quote brings back fond memories and I can still remember the back and forth I had with myself about making this somewhat major purchase. Funny how one innocent piece of paper can bring back such vivid and good memories. Seems like yesterday.

Editor note: Click to see Donnie's 1968 quote

Submitted by Donnie Marchi