Event Calendar

See the bottom of this page for non-NMCA and other local & regional car events.


Council Meeting - NEW DATE

Monday July 8th

Time: 6:30pm
NEW Location (this date only): Jasons Deli, 5920 Holly Ave NE 87113
Agenda: discussion on events, expenses and new ideas

General Meeting

Friday July 19th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE

Caravan To VLA

Sunday July 28th

Meet time: 8:00am
Depart time: 8:15am
Meet location: The Pit
☛Organizer: Mary Mleczko - please RSVP NLT 7/24/24


Council Meeting

Tuesday August 6th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE
Agenda: discussion on events, expenses and new ideas

General Meeting

Friday August 16th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE


Council Meeting

Tuesday September 10th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE
Agenda: discussion on events, expenses and new ideas

General Meeting

Friday September 20th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE

Crest Convertible Caravan

Saturday September 28th



Council Meeting

Tuesday October 8th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE
Agenda: discussion on events, expenses and new ideas

General Meeting

Friday October 18th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE


Council Meeting

Tuesday November 7th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE
Agenda: discussion on events, expenses and new ideas
Voting - 2025 NMCA Officers

General Meeting

Friday November 17th

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Car Crafters - 600 Montano NE


Holiday Banquet

Saturday December 7th

Location: Evolution Of Wheels
3900 Rutledge NE, Albuquerque 87109
Time: TBA
White Elephant optional gift exchange
Cost: $35 per person (estimated)
Garduno's of Mexico - cateriung company

General Meeting

No general meeting in December

Regional / Non-NMCA Events

NM car club events provided by NMCCC